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Page history last edited by bostoncello@... 13 years, 2 months ago

PseudoFeds are a band of fine upstanding American patriots (hey, what about us patriotic Canadian foreign nationals from Operation Flannel??), oh yeah, you too, who take pride in their humor, irreverence, memetic engineering skills, and their ability to interrogate authority. We are truth-seekers above all else, and the playa is the land of a thousand truths...


OR ...

PseudoFeds of the PlayaGon

 are a hyper-inclusive proactive cyber-social civil intelligence synergy fusion cell realizing "dreams of civil intelligence" as "transformational synergists"




We are excited to be part of the Playagon this year.

Our interests include: but are no way limited to


Interventional Informatics

Disaster relief

Humanitarian response in austere conditions with a focus on telecommunications

Perceptual Cybernetics

Chaos and complexity in human behavior

cyber-cultular modulating afghanistan 



grokker dave and tofu pete  and a growing cast of many....


behold our scary logos!!!!!!


Camp Leader: I'm gonna go ahead and put Dave's name here just for fun. God help us all...

Earth Guardian: Jeff (you can't trust an American with this job,..., heh, heh, just kidding)


I will pattern my list after the Schwanky Town gang, since they're so darn creative, and so I can answer the Pants? question with some good ol' Canadian humor.


Name Location Pants? Beard?  Pseudo-Ku?  Why are we here? 
Jeff   Santee  Heavily  After it's all over  3 or 7  Oooooohhh, that's a tough one. I'll get back to you on that. I'm at BurningMan to instigate Operation Flannel.
dave aka grokker RSF sorta somewhat never nu

to grok it all

-to sense the many-

Lynn CO yes uh, no   ostensibly, research and enlightenment
Holly OR        
Joe AZ cut-offs by the end of the week, yes fuzzy Breathe deep the playa
Madelyn CA yes no ? Soak it all in
Kevin  VA  all the time  not if I can help it   Seeking -- ever seeking 
John  MA  kilt?  check  to discover



There needs to be a preview option in this CMS cuz I screw up too much ...  :-)



Comments (1)

Jeff Sale said

at 9:36 am on Jul 20, 2009

This is my first burner experience, and I plan to bring my daughter who is now asking about neurocosmology (young but smart), so I hope there's stimulating discussion regarding perceptual cybernetics, physioinfometrics, and sports!! :-)

More seriously, I have a 3D stereo projection system that I would like to bring but I need advice on what power resources I should bring or that may already be available.

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